Personal Property, Art and Collectibles

Professional Appraiser

Based in Romania, providing services across Europe

I have appraised more than 12,000 personal property objects in over 12 years, such as paintings, drawings, multiples, sculptures, decorative arts, furniture, glass, militaria, memorabilia, coins and classic cars. I have relevant market experience working with one of the top auction house in Eastern Europe. Based in Romania, I provide appraisal and valuation services all across Europe

  • 12,000+

    Objects Appraised

  • 40+


  • 100+

    Happy Customers

Service For You

What I am Doing

I prepare professional appraisals for various intended uses, tailored to your specific needs

Insurance scheduling, Damage or loss claim

Whether your insurance company requires IVS or USPAP compliant apraissals, I have the skills and the proper credentials to appraise your colection

Equitable distribution, Transactioning, Financial reporting

I have substantial experience in preparing appraisals for individual or corporate use, concluding Market Value, Marketable Cash Value, Accounting Value and Fair Market Value

IRS appraisals: Estate planning, Gift tax, Charitable contribution

I meet the IRS requirements for Qualified Appraiser and I have never been excluded by IRS